Licí pryskyřice pro velké odlitky

Licí epoxidová pryskyřice (odlévací epoxidová pryskyřice na dřevo) pro velké odlitky je čirá pryskyřice a používá se převážně k výrobě velkých jídelních stolů z epoxidové pryskyřice a dřeva, výrobě konferenčních stolků ze dřeva a epoxidové pryskyřice, epoxidových servírovacích prkének, velkých dekoračních předmětů, masivních epoxidových lampiček a masivního nábytku jako jsou čela postele

Pro tyto epoxidové pryskyřice je typické masivní odlévané množství až 60 litrů o síle odlitku 10 cm a více. Tyto epoxidové pryskyřice mají delší dobu vytvrzení, která je typicky 5 až 21 dní.

12 items total
LuminaCast 8 Ocean Cast
57,08 € –8 %
42,94 € excl. VAT
51,96 €

Clear casting epoxy resin with maximum UV protection, casting thickness up to 10cm, low viscosity, workability up to 240 minutes, food-safe, mixing ratio 2:1 by weight, can be...

Code: 7242/003000
epoxyplast 3d b100 ultrapour
59,50 € –10 %
43,89 € excl. VAT
53,11 €

Clear casting epoxy resin for large castings, casting thickness up to 10 cm (at max 20 °C), cures from 10 °C, hardness 81 SHORE D, VOC 0 g/L, mixing ratio by weight 2:1, full...

Code: 6481/003000
LuminaCast 8 Ocean Cast
130,96 € –6 %
100,69 € excl. VAT
121,83 €

Clear casting epoxy resin with maximum UV protection, casting thickness up to 10cm, low viscosity, workability up to 240 minutes, food-safe, mixing ratio 2:1 by weight, can be...

Code: 7242/007500
LuminaCast 8 Ocean Cast
246,95 € –4 %
195,23 € excl. VAT
236,23 €

Clear casting epoxy resin with maximum UV protection, casting thickness up to 10cm, low viscosity, workability up to 240 minutes, food-safe, mixing ratio 2:1 by weight, can be...

Code: 7242/8015000
LuminaCast 8 Ocean Cast
35,63 € –14 %
25,28 € excl. VAT
30,59 €

Clear casting epoxy resin with maximum UV protection, casting thickness up to 10cm, low viscosity, workability up to 240 minutes, food-safe, mixing ratio 2:1 by weight, can be...

Code: 7242/001500
LuminaCast 8 Ocean Cast
485,68 € –4 %
385,31 € excl. VAT
466,22 €

Clear casting epoxy resin with maximum UV protection, casting thickness up to 10cm, low viscosity, workability up to 240 minutes, food-safe, mixing ratio 2:1 by weight, can be...

Code: 7242/030000
epoxyplast 3d b100 ultrapour
34,52 € –9 %
25,83 € excl. VAT
31,26 €

Clear casting epoxy resin for large castings, casting thickness up to 10 cm (at max 20 °C), cures from 10 °C, hardness 77 SHORE D, VOC 0 g/L, mixing ratio by weight 2:1, full...

Code: 6481/001500
LuminaCast 8 Ocean Cast
19,34 € –1 %
15,69 € excl. VAT
18,99 €

Clear casting epoxy resin with maximum UV protection, casting thickness up to 10cm, low viscosity, workability up to 240 minutes, food-safe, mixing ratio 2:1 by weight, can be...

Code: 7242/000750
epoxyplast 3d b100 ultrapour
137 € –7 %
104,95 € excl. VAT
126,99 €

Clear casting epoxy resin for large castings, casting thickness up to 10 cm (at max 20 °C), cures from 10 °C, hardness 81 SHORE D, VOC 0 g/L, mixing ratio by weight 2:1, full...

Code: 6481/007500
DIPON Epoxyplast 3D B100 UltraPour 0,75 kg - Clear Epoxy Resin for the Production of Tables, Maximum Casting Thickness 10 cm
21,33 € –9 %
15,98 € excl. VAT
19,34 €

Clear casting epoxy resin for large castings, casting thickness up to 10 cm (at max 20 °C), cures from 10 °C, hardness 77 SHORE D, VOC 0 g/L, mixing ratio by weight 2:1, full...

Code: 6481/000750
epoxyplast 3d b100 ultrapour
262,09 € –5 %
204,09 € excl. VAT
246,95 €

Clear casting epoxy resin for large castings, casting thickness up to 10 cm (at max 20 °C), cures from 10 °C, hardness 81 SHORE D, VOC 0 g/L, mixing ratio by weight 2:1, full...

Code: 6481/015000
epoxyplast 3d b100 ultrapour
482,90 € –3 %
385,31 € excl. VAT
466,22 €

Clear casting epoxy resin for large castings, casting thickness up to 10 cm (at max 20 °C), cures from 10 °C, hardness 81 SHORE D, VOC 0 g/L, mixing ratio by weight 2:1, full...

Code: 6481/030000