Pencils and Markers


10 32736544 9e38 4616 b0a0 25626f4b3579
from 12,58 €
(from 10,40 € excl. VAT)
Solid Carpenter Pencil with Refill Lead and Built in Sharpener for Deep Hole Mechanical Pencil Scribing.jpg 640x640.jpg
2,35 €
(1,94 € excl. VAT)
Náhradní tuhy do truhlářské tužky, žlutá, 2,8 mm, 6 ks
2,67 €
(2,21 € excl. VAT)
Solid Carpenter Pencil with Refill Lead and Built in Sharpener for Deep Hole Mechanical Pencil Scribing 6.jpg 640x640.jpg
2,67 €
(2,21 € excl. VAT)
Solid Carpenter Pencil with Refill Lead and Built in Sharpener for Deep Hole Mechanical Pencil Scribing 7.jpg 640x640.jpg
2,67 €
(2,21 € excl. VAT)
5 MinuteEpoxy CarpentersMechanicalPencil MiniClamps andMixingPalettesProductPhotos
Starbond Carpenter Mechanical Pencil
IN STOCK (1 pcs)
Code: 7400
15,82 €
(13,07 € excl. VAT)
Solid Carpenter Pencil with Refill Lead and Built in Sharpener for Deep Hole Mechanical Pencil Scribing 4.jpg 640x640.jpg
7,37 € –15 %
Carpenter Pencil Blue
Sold Out
Code: 7592/000004
Was: 7,37 €  (–15 %)
6,25 €
(5,17 € excl. VAT)
Tesařská tužka žlutá
7,37 € –15 %
Carpenter Pencil Yellow
Sold Out
Code: 7592/000003
Was: 7,37 €  (–15 %)
6,25 €
(5,17 € excl. VAT)
Tesařská tužka červená
7,37 € –15 %
Carpenter Pencil Red
Sold Out
Code: 7592/000002
Was: 7,37 €  (–15 %)
6,25 €
(5,17 € excl. VAT)
Tesařská tužka černá
7,37 € –15 %
Carpenter Pencil Black
Sold Out
Code: 7592/000001
Was: 7,37 €  (–15 %)
6,25 €
(5,17 € excl. VAT)
10 items total
10 32736544 9e38 4616 b0a0 25626f4b3579
from 10,40 € excl. VAT
from 12,58 €

Quickly fix scratches and scuffs on furniture, floors, or laminate with Starbond markers. Includes 6 shades, they are permanent and suitable for wooden surfaces. Practical and...

Code: 7403/000006
Solid Carpenter Pencil with Refill Lead and Built in Sharpener for Deep Hole Mechanical Pencil Scribing.jpg 640x640.jpg
1,94 € excl. VAT
2,35 €

Replacement black leads with a 2.8 mm diameter are perfect for precise marking on wood, metal, and concrete. The pack includes 6 pieces, ideal for both professional and DIY use.

Code: 7618/000006
Náhradní tuhy do truhlářské tužky, žlutá, 2,8 mm, 6 ks Code: 7627/000006
Solid Carpenter Pencil with Refill Lead and Built in Sharpener for Deep Hole Mechanical Pencil Scribing 6.jpg 640x640.jpg Code: 7624/000006
Solid Carpenter Pencil with Refill Lead and Built in Sharpener for Deep Hole Mechanical Pencil Scribing 7.jpg 640x640.jpg
2,21 € excl. VAT
2,67 €
Code: 7621/000006
5 MinuteEpoxy CarpentersMechanicalPencil MiniClamps andMixingPalettesProductPhotos
13,07 € excl. VAT
15,82 €

Carpenter pencil, 2.8mm diameter, comes with 12 refills in 3 different colors, works on wood, metal, concrete, paper and many more.

Code: 7400
Solid Carpenter Pencil with Refill Lead and Built in Sharpener for Deep Hole Mechanical Pencil Scribing 4.jpg 640x640.jpg
7,37 € –15 %
5,17 € excl. VAT
6,25 €

Carpenter pencil, 2.8mm diameter, comes with 12 refills in 3 different colors, works on wood, metal, concrete, paper and many more.

Code: 7592/000004
Tesařská tužka žlutá
7,37 € –15 %
5,17 € excl. VAT
6,25 €

Carpenter pencil, 2.8mm diameter, comes with 12 refills in 3 different colors, works on wood, metal, concrete, paper and many more.

Code: 7592/000003
Tesařská tužka červená
7,37 € –15 %
5,17 € excl. VAT
6,25 €

Carpenter pencil, 2.8mm diameter, comes with 12 refills in 3 different colors, works on wood, metal, concrete, paper and many more.

Code: 7592/000002
Tesařská tužka černá
7,37 € –15 %
5,17 € excl. VAT
6,25 €

Carpenter pencil, 2.8mm diameter, comes with 12 refills in 3 different colors, works on wood, metal, concrete, paper and many more.

Code: 7592/000001