Red Mica Pigment Powders, Page 2


Yamagata Red - Eye Candy Pigments
IN STOCK (1 pcs)
Code: 4371/000005
from 9,45 €
(from 7,81 € excl. VAT)
Baku Red - Eye Candy Pigments
Baku Red - Eye Candy Pigments
Code: 1986/000005
from 6,26 €
(from 5,17 € excl. VAT)
Shibazakura Pink - Eye Candy Pigments
Shibazakura Pink - Eye Candy Pigments
IN STOCK (4 pcs)
Code: 3921/000005
from 6,26 €
(from 5,17 € excl. VAT)
Rusty 885b3a51 b7e5 415a bbf5 b23c0fe1639a
Rusty - Eye Candy Pigments
Code: 2940/000005
from 7,53 €
(from 6,22 € excl. VAT)
ghostred 78d21b7f 9a1c 4ffd 9939 e6c0e8d06434
Ghost Red - Eye Candy Pigments
IN STOCK (1 pcs)
Code: 3933/000005
from 7,53 €
(from 6,22 € excl. VAT)
carmine beb43203 0731 4657 8ba1 f3ea5a8046d5 1024x
Carmine - Eye Candy Pigments
IN STOCK (3 pcs)
Code: 6186/000005
from 6,26 €
(from 5,17 € excl. VAT)
candyred 1c613ac1 2c1c 435d 9509 b8067a3ec09d 1024x
Candy Red - Eye Candy Pigments
Code: 6159/000005
from 7,53 €
(from 6,22 € excl. VAT)
valentinered f2890dfe 4305 45ea be5b 9f6622005526 1024x
Valentine - Eye Candy Pigments
IN STOCK (2 pcs)
Code: 6147/000005
from 7,53 €
(from 6,22 € excl. VAT)
adzuki irored 1024x
Adzuki-Iro Red - Eye Candy Pigments
IN STOCK (3 pcs)
Code: 5862/000005
from 7,53 €
(from 6,22 € excl. VAT)
Scarlet - Eye Candy Pigments
Scarlet - Eye Candy Pigments
IN STOCK (2 pcs)
Code: 5412/000005
from 7,53 €
(from 6,22 € excl. VAT)
32 items total
indianred 016727cf 013f 4b3a 91d0 12c104b686b0 1024x
from 5,17 € excl. VAT
from 6,26 €

Indian Red is an iridescent red pigment with pinkish undertones, perfect for epoxy, jewelry, and candles. It adds a sophisticated look with long-lasting color.

Code: 6180/000005
kimonored 21822685 a22d 4136 86a4 1220296162e9 1024x
from 5,17 € excl. VAT
from 6,26 €

Kimono Red is a deep red pigment with peach undertones, perfect for epoxy, jewelry, and candles. It adds rich color and a sophisticated finish to your projects.

Code: 6189/000005
kobeluminaire 1024x
from 5,17 € excl. VAT
from 6,26 €

Kobe Luminarie is an iridescent red pigment perfect for epoxy, jewelry, and candles. It adds lasting shimmer and a striking visual effect to your projects.

Code: 6183/000005
momored 10cdc090 b82b 40af 9c01 c7bfba7ebfd9 1024x
from 5,17 € excl. VAT
from 6,26 €

Momo Red is a peachy red pigment perfect for epoxy, jewelry, and candles. It adds vibrant color to projects and ensures a long-lasting effect.

Code: 6171/000005
rainbowred 3033c57d 7ee1 4464 b104 72808abf16d3 1024x
from 5,17 € excl. VAT
from 6,26 €

Rainbow Red is a vibrant red pigment perfect for epoxy, jewelry, and candles. It adds vivid color to projects and ensures long-lasting results.

Code: 6168/000005
redrose 21aca54b aaaf 484c ac57 ec5fb65b80ec 1024x
from 5,17 € excl. VAT
from 6,26 €

Red Rose is a soft pale red pigment perfect for epoxy, jewelry, and candles. It adds a romantic touch and vibrant color effects to projects.

Code: 6177/000005
shurired 65f35c73 a3f8 42a9 b1c7 7e78d1496083 1024x
from 5,17 € excl. VAT
from 6,26 €

Shuri Red is a peachy red pigment perfect for epoxy, jewelry, and candles. It adds vibrant color and a soft shimmer to your projects.

Code: 6192/000005
valentinered f2890dfe 4305 45ea be5b 9f6622005526 1024x
from 6,22 € excl. VAT
from 7,53 €

Valentine is a red pigment with blue undertones, perfect for epoxy, jewelry, and candles. It adds depth and vibrant color to your projects.

Code: 6147/000005