Sample kits of pigments for coloring epoxy resin, Page 2


dipon alcohol ink premium set 10x20ml alle farben alcohol inks i alkoholtinte diponr
62,91 € –10 %
DIPON Set of Alcohol Inks 10x 20ml
IN STOCK (>5 pcs)
Code: 5814
Was: 62,91 €  (–10 %)
56,62 €
(46,79 € excl. VAT)
28,01 € –10 %
Was: 28,01 €  (–10 %)
25,13 €
(20,77 € excl. VAT)
10 PACK SET B 01
28,01 € –10 %
Was: 28,01 €  (–10 %)
25,13 €
(20,77 € excl. VAT)
27,30 €
(22,56 € excl. VAT)
Starbond Mica Powder Pigment Set - Black, White, Blue Palette - 24 x 10g Bottles
53,98 € –11 %
Was: 53,98 €  (–11 %)
47,97 €
(39,64 € excl. VAT)
26 Barev Sada Vzorků Colorshift - Eye Candy Pigments
42,08 €
(34,78 € excl. VAT)
Eye Candy Pigments Sample Set N 1
28,01 € –10 %
Was: 28,01 €  (–10 %)
25,13 €
(20,77 € excl. VAT)
10 PACK SET D 01
28,01 € –10 %
Was: 28,01 €  (–10 %)
25,13 €
(20,77 € excl. VAT)
28,01 € –10 %
Was: 28,01 €  (–10 %)
25,13 €
(20,77 € excl. VAT)
Sada fialových, oranžových, růžových a žlutých slídových metalických pigmentů STARBOND, 24 x 10 g
53,98 € –11 %
Was: 53,98 €  (–11 %)
47,97 €
(39,64 € excl. VAT)
26 items total
50 Barev Sada Vzorků Set 3 - Eye Candy Pigments
108,11 € –14 %
76,40 € excl. VAT
92,45 €

50 pigment colors set – ideal for resin, jewelry, cosmetics, and more DIY projects. Vibrant, long-lasting shades for creative use.

Code: 5712/000005
52,55 € excl. VAT
63,59 €

A small sample of our various pigments and with some of our top sellers in the set!! This mica mineral powder set is ideal for DIY craft use, such as woodworking,...

Code: 5439/000005