Super Glue by Viscosity

Discover our range of super glues in different viscosities, ideal for a wide variety of applications. From thin glues for fine details to thick glues for filling gaps and creating strong bonds. Choose the right viscosity for your projects and achieve professional results.


from 11,95 € up to –13 %
Starbond "Multi-Purpose" Medium CA Glue, EM-150
IN STOCK (>5 pcs)
Code: 1899/000029
Was: 11,95 €  (–13 %)
from 11,15 €
(from 9,21 € excl. VAT)
Starbond Medium Multi Purpose EM 02 29ml
from 11,95 € up to –13 %
Was: 11,95 €  (–13 %)
from 11,15 €
(from 9,21 € excl. VAT)
from 11,95 € up to –39 %
STARBOND "Gap-Filler" Thick CA Glue, EM-2000
IN STOCK (>5 pcs)
Code: 1902/000029
Was: 11,95 €  (–39 %)
from 11,15 €
(from 9,21 € excl. VAT)
Hero 2oz.Blackmedium1
from 14,31 € up to –14 %
 (–14 %)
from 14,31 €
(from 11,83 € excl. VAT)
FlexibleMediumThick 95604088 38cb 4d65 a949 d30e55b1f70f 1024x1024 3
19,94 € –6 %
Was: 19,94 €  (–6 %)
18,74 €
(15,49 € excl. VAT)
FlexibleMediumThick 95604088 38cb 4d65 a949 d30e55b1f70f 1024x1024 1
17,25 € –14 %
Starbond Heavy Thin CA Glue, EM-40
IN STOCK (>5 pcs)
Code: 3831
Was: 17,25 €  (–14 %)
14,83 €
(12,26 € excl. VAT)
17,25 € –23 %
Was: 17,25 €  (–23 %)
13,15 €
(10,87 € excl. VAT)
24,26 € –9 %
Was: 24,26 €  (–9 %)
21,94 €
(18,13 € excl. VAT)
FlexibleMediumThick 95604088 38cb 4d65 a949 d30e55b1f70f 1024x1024 4
22,70 € –13 %
Flexible Medium-Thick CA Glue, KEG-500
IN STOCK (4 pcs)
Code: 3828
Was: 22,70 €  (–13 %)
19,67 €
(16,26 € excl. VAT)
FlexibleMediumThick 95604088 38cb 4d65 a949 d30e55b1f70f 1024x1024 2
19,94 €
(16,48 € excl. VAT)
12 items total
from 11,95 € up to –13 %
from 9,21 € excl. VAT
from 11,15 €

Clear super glue, medium liquid, viscosity 150 cPs, curing time approx. 20 seconds (without accelerator), curing time with accelerator - immediately.

Code: 1899/000029
Starbond Medium Multi Purpose EM 02 29ml
from 11,95 € up to –13 %
from 9,21 € excl. VAT
from 11,15 €

Starbond EM-02 Super Fast Thin CA glue is a "wicking type" ethyl cyanoacrylate super glue. This watery-thin, instant adhesive is commonly used to repair cracks and hairline...

Code: 1896/000029
from 11,95 € up to –39 %
from 9,21 € excl. VAT
from 11,15 €

Starbond EM-2000 Thick CA glue is an ethyl cyanoacrylate super glue known as the "gap filler". This thick CA adhesive has a high viscosity that gives it strong bonding...

Code: 1902/000029
Hero 2oz.Blackmedium1
from 14,31 € up to –14 %
from 11,83 € excl. VAT
from 14,31 €

Medium viscosity cyanoacrylate (CA) super glue in black color. The glue is ideal for hiding imperfections, filling dark voids, and highlighting specific areas in your projects.

Code: 7760/000029
FlexibleMediumThick 95604088 38cb 4d65 a949 d30e55b1f70f 1024x1024 3
19,94 € –6 %
15,49 € excl. VAT
18,74 €

Medium viscosity, high-quality black cyanoacrylate (CA) super glue. It is ideal for concealing or repairing imperfections in wood, filling voids, and highlighting specific areas...

Code: 1803
FlexibleMediumThick 95604088 38cb 4d65 a949 d30e55b1f70f 1024x1024 1
17,25 € –14 %
12,26 € excl. VAT
14,83 €

Starbond EM-40 Heavy Thin CA is a medium-thin ethyl cyanoacrylate “finishing” super glue used in the final stages of wood surface finishing.

Code: 3831
17,25 € –23 %
10,87 € excl. VAT
13,15 €

Starbond EM-600 Heavy Medium CA glue is an ethyl cyanoacrylate super glue that possesses a syrup-like viscosity that gives users sustained control on each drop of glue. The...

Code: 3265
24,26 € –9 %
18,13 € excl. VAT
21,94 €

Hypoallergenic and odorless glue with ultra-thin viscosity for precise applications. Ideal for stabilizing wood, foam, minerals, and 3D printed parts. Capillary action ensures...

Code: 7877/000059
FlexibleMediumThick 95604088 38cb 4d65 a949 d30e55b1f70f 1024x1024 4
22,70 € –13 %
16,26 € excl. VAT
19,67 €

Starbond KEG-500 Flexible Heavy Medium CA glue is an ethyl cyanoacrylate super glue that adheres well to the flexible material. Along with impact and shock absorbing properties,...

Code: 3828
FlexibleMediumThick 95604088 38cb 4d65 a949 d30e55b1f70f 1024x1024 2
16,48 € excl. VAT
19,94 €

Starbond BR-500 Brown Medium-Thick CA glue is a dark-brown tinted ethyl cyanoacrylate super glue. On darker colored wood, the Brown Medium-Thick acts as a more...

Code: 3832
Group 2 1 1024x
from 19,54 € up to –12 %
from 14,17 € excl. VAT
from 17,14 €

DW-500 Properties: 500 mPa·s viscosity, White Medium Thick adhesive, 0.008” gap filling capability, Bonding time: 40-60 seconds

Code: 5946/000014
FlexibleMediumThick 95604088 38cb 4d65 a949 d30e55b1f70f 1024x1024 2
16,48 € excl. VAT
19,94 €

Starbond BR-150 Brown Medium CA glue is an ethyl cyanoacrylate brown tinted super glue. This brown CA adhesive is an excellent all-around adhesive that carries the ability...

Code: 1834

Super glues are essential tools for quick and strong bonds in many applications. We offer different viscosities of glues to meet your specific needs:

Types of super glue by viscosity

  • Thin super glue

    Ideal for a high gloss, stabilizing cracks, and infiltrating pores through capillary action. Perfect for precise applications and quick bonding of fine materials.

  • Medium-thin super glue

    Suitable for bonding closely fitting parts and filling small cracks and gaps. Often used in modeling, jewelry making, and general repairs.

  • Medium-thick super glue

    Has a consistency similar to motor oil and is suitable for filling larger gaps, cracks, and knots in wood. Provides a longer working time and strong bonds.

  • Thick super glue

    Ideal for filling large gaps and cracks where greater control over the flow is needed. Frequently used for bonding porous materials and in hobby modeling.

Key features

  • Fast drying: Sets in seconds.
  • High strength: Provides strong and durable bonds.
  • Wide compatibility: Suitable for plastic, metal, ceramic, wood, and rubber.
  • Freshness: Glues are produced monthly to ensure high quality.